Know About Diphtheria- Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
‘Come September’ is not just a song which enjoyed runaway success in its heyday. It serves as a reminder of the month of September that sits on that cusp of the weather cycle, which sees summer almost on its way out and the onset of winters. And winter comes marching in with its own baggage of ailments such as cold, flu, dry cough or diphtheria symptoms etc.
On a far more serious scale, Diphtheria disease is one such ailment that may not be so winter-specific but may exhibit a higher propensity for occurrence in winter on account of its symptoms.
Causes and Diphtheria Symptoms
Diphtheria is a serious bacterial infection. Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium Diphtheriae, compounded by bad hygiene and overcrowded living conditions. It masks the common cold- gone hay-wire syndrome, but with much graver consequences, as it produces extremely harmful toxins which destroy the healthy tissues in the upper respiratory system.
Diphtheria is caused by bacteria, and it combines characteristics of both an infectious and contagious disease, as it is transmitted through droplets or sneezes of an infected person and human contact. There is evidence to prove its zoonotic credentials, as cases have been reported where it has traveled from animals to humans.
The spread of this malaise is fairly gradual, with fever at sub 101 degrees Fahrenheit levels. The common diphtheria signs and symptoms are sore throat, a grey, white or bluish patch in the throat, grey pseudomembrane over the nose and throat, painful swallowing, bull neck, blood-stained nasal discharge, fast heart rate, a feeling of fatigue, difficulty in breathing and barking cough caused by blocked airways.
The skin through lesions is yet another manifestation of Diphtheria symptoms. This is, however, pre-dominant in the sun tropical region.
Diphtheria Treatment
The cure is through an immediate Doctor consult and a strong dose of Doctor-prescribed antibiotics as it progresses to attack the heart and the kidneys. While the developed nations have been proactive in stemming this disease through well-coordinated Diphtheria prevention immunization programmes, the underdeveloped nations have been known to suffer the most.
As a remedy for throat pain, sore throat, cold and cough, AlchemLife has developed PHYTORELIEF-CC, a clinically tested natural relief for cold and cough, sugar-free lozenge. It is based on 100% natural active ingredients, with anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It also helps to boost the immune system. PhytoRelief CC reduces the symptoms, duration and occurrence of cold, cough and flu. Hence, it's the best natural diphtheria prevention available.
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