Delivery Policy
Orders placed on are shipped through Shiprocket and Pickrr courier aggregators focusing on faster delivery timelines.
Once the order is placed successfully, you will be notified via SMS and email with an update on the shipping date. Usually, orders are shipped within 24-48 hours. If you have an urgent request, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Delivery of all orders will be to the registered address of the buyer as per the order details unless otherwise specified at the time of order. Normal delivery charges will apply as per AlchemLife’s delivery policy in force at time of placing the order by you.
All orders made by the customers shall be subject to various laws, including Drugs and Cosmetics Act (as may be amended from time to time). All orders will be delivered through a delivery agent without disclosing your personal information or medical details in compliance with applicable laws.
If a package arrives in damaged condition, the customer should refuse the shipment and inform Alchemlife support immediately.
You may contact us at or call us directly at +91-9999765098.