Swine- Flu H1N1 & Swine Flu Symptoms
Summer rolls away, and winter knocks. But what is menacingly waiting in the wings as winter approaches is influenza, a year-round health issue, which becomes more pronounced during the winter months. People with face masks are a common sight. It is not an attitude issue but a cautious attempt to keep sickness at bay. Among the various strains, H1N1, swine flu symptoms surfaced around 2009-2010. The H1N1 flu, commonly known as swine flu is caused by the H1N1 strain of the flu (influenza) virus.
Swine Flu - Is It Contagious and Pandemic?
The answer to both the questions is Yes!! The H1N1 swine flu transmits itself from person to person, is highly contagious, and has cut across geographies over the years to become a worldwide phenomenon.
The level of it being a contagion can be gauged from the fact that a sneezing droplet in the air and its residue being deposited on common places such as door handles can transmit this malaise. For this reason, the masks become a necessity and not a fashion statement. However, any conclusive evidence of the masks containing this flu remains elusive.
Symptoms Of Swine Flu
Swine flu symptoms match common flu symptoms and start with chills, fever, coughing, a sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches, diarrhoea, and vomiting. But when getting to the next level, if fast breathing, sudden dizziness and high fever occur, it should be viewed as more seriously needing medical advice.
On the flip side, swine flu normally goes on its own, and a visit to the doctor may not be needed. A nose or throat swab can nail its existence.
Likely Candidates of Swine Flu
Children and pregnant women are the most susceptible. But people with lower immune systems, adults over 60, and people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart ailments or asthma are likely to get more impacted by the swine influenza symptoms.
What To Do: Swine Flu Treatment
If you have not guessed it already, here goes. Keep the highest level of cleanliness. Wash your hands and sanitize them. Do not mingle if there is sickness and remain isolated. Avoid public places to the extent possible. Plenty of rest and lots of water to keep the system hydrated form an important part of supportive therapy.
Some swine flu vaccines such as Tamiflu and Relenza have been developed for H1N1 treatment and should be taken under medical advice. As time passes and the virus becomes more resilient, a new strain H3 N2 has been reported. What it will do on becoming yet another menace, only time will tell.
Natural remedies for swine flu prevention, if you regularly complain of a cough or a sore throat, is PhytoRelief- CC- Your perfect shield made from natural active ingredients of turmeric, ginger, and pomegranate that help provide relief from dry cough, common cold, sore throat and throat pain. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It also helps to boost the immune system.
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