Steps of Hand Washing - Best Practice for Cold Prevention
As they say, prevention is always better than cure. One of the most fundamental practices we can follow to prevent getting sick or spreading germs in your family- Handwashing the right way. Here are the correct steps of handwashing, which we all need to follow.
Purpose Of Handwashing: Why Is It So Important?
Our hands are common vehicles for disease-causing germs. Since most activities primarily occur through hand contact to the face, eyes, nose and mouth, dirty hands are well capable of transmitting contagious diseases. They are the hotbeds for germs like influenza, making people with poor hand-hygiene most prone to contracting the flu. Therefore, the importance of hand hygiene is the best defence against cold and flu symptoms. In fact, hand-washing reduces your chances of catching a cold by 45%.
With proper hand hygiene, people with weak immune systems can reduce respiratory system ailments by 16-21% and gastrointestinal illnesses by 29-57%. Keeping a hand wash always available is extremely important. Hand wash importance before eating or cooking, after using the bathroom, after touching the animals/pets, and after blowing one's nose, coughing or sneezing cannot be neglected.
6 Steps Of Handwashing And Hygiene Regimen Endorsed By WHO
Most of the time, hand hygiene isn't properly implemented. For example, studies show that handwashing rates post-toilet usage are only 19% globally. A comprehensive importance of washing hands hygiene program endorsed by WHO that is most effective at killing bacteria includes
1. Wet your hands with water.
2. Apply soap to cover all hand surfaces. Surfactants in soap lift dirt and microbes from the hands.
3. Rub hands palm to palm: Lather generously, and be sure to cover the back of your hands and under your fingernails.
4. Scrub well: Right palm over the left and vice versa, then palm to palm with the fingers interlaced, then back of finger and thumb for at-least 20 seconds, ensuring optimal removal of germs.
5. Rinse thoroughly with running water, removing dirt and microbes from your hand
6. Dry your hands post-wash. Wetter hands are more susceptible to re-contamination.
After hand washing, use alcohol-based hand sanitisers that kill germs and microbes rather than removing them. They are useful in situations with limited access to water or soap. For visibly dirty hands, it is always better to hand wash first. Restorative skincare is often neglected as an element of hand hygiene. Sanitisers and soaps, while offering effective germ protection, also affect your skin. Therefore, at the end of the day, we should condition, moisturise and nourish the skin, preventing damage or dryness.
While the power of correct steps of handwashing hygiene is phenomenal, other ways to prevent the flu season get the better of you is by boosting your immune shield with Alchemlife's Phytorelief-CC, a natural solution containing 'Phyto-actives' like ginger, turmeric and pomegranate. This sugar-free lozenge once a day serves as a preventive solution by building your immunity, and 3-4 lozenges a day offers natural relief from cold, cough and flu symptoms.
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