May 1, 2018, with its motto ‘NEVER TOO EARLY NEVER TOO LATE’ was observed as World Asthma Day. Asthma attack symptoms are life-threatening and it’s a major concern. The World Health Organization has estimated a staggering 235 million people impacted by this illness and the asthma risk factors . Other reports have put this number at almost 300 million.
What is Asthma?
It is a chronic infection of the lungs, where the bronchial tubes get narrow, inhibit and reduce airways causing difficulty in breathing. Asthma in the family tends to increase the propensity of risk for other family members. The severity and frequency of asthmatic conditions change. Whereas, the milder form of asthma may not require a very aggressive intervention, those suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) could even need Intensive Care Treatment. COPD is not curable, but treatable. Hence, the imperative need for early detection.
Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma attack symptoms include breathlessness, wheezing, and feeling of tightness in the chest. The symptoms, their frequency, and duration vary from person to person. However no symptom of asthma should be left untreated.
Common asthma risk factors are instigated by bad, polluted air and it is perhaps the most significant and crucial factor causing this disease. The need for clean, pristine air needs no emphatic assertion. Dust mites, as another cause, are rated very high on this matrix. Among other reasons, asthma triggers from viral infections, iced drinks, frozen foods, and tobacco. Notable changes in temperatures from severe cold to hot have been known to cause spasms, leading to worrying aggravation.
Asthma Treatment and the most common test to measure lung function is the Spirometry test. It measures how much and how quickly a person can forcibly exhale air. It can normally be done to ascertain the extent of damage. A peak flow meter is used to measure how hard you can breathe out.
Identifying the triggers and taking steps to avoid them are essential to control the causes and symptoms of asthma. The usual recommended medication when asthma flares up is bronchodilators which help open the airways.
Natural remedies such as if you regularly complain of a cough, cold, or a sore throat - Intake of PhytoRelief- CC made from natural active ingredients of turmeric, ginger, and pomegranate help provide relief from cough, cold, sore throat, and throat pain. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, and also helps to boost .immune system.
Asthma symptom treatment can include herbal remedies for example, cinnamon, honey, licorice, and freshly grated ginger that are known to provide relief. The composition, frequency, and dosage should be taken after due consultation with a doctor.
Needless to add, this disease, with grave consequences needs focussed medical assistance and intervention!! Asthma diagnosis and treatment is very crucial, if you have any of the above symptoms. Our advice? Please consult a doctor.
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