Ageing gracefully is all good and dandy when your health continues to be faithful to your age. However, ask any woman over the age of 50, and you'll find that one of their biggest health concerns is the condition called menopause.
This condition is associated with the permanent stoppage of the menstrual period, wherein a woman can no longer bear children. Between 49 and 62 years of age, menopause is a natural ageing process wherein the production of two specific hormones, namely oestrogen and progesterone, begins to decline.
Menopause and Related Complications
A myriad of complications usually accompanies menopause. Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and osteopenia are the most notable post-menopausal side effects that severely affect bone health.
Osteopenia results in a loss of bone density that significantly increases bone fragility, making them more susceptible to breakage. On the other hand, osteoarthritis is the degradation of cartilage, the cushion around the joint lining that prevents friction between two bones.
While menopause is a natural process and can't be avoided, several ways can minimise its impact on your health and enable you to lead a comfortable life during the transition period. Healthy eating habits that also include several types of supplements are one way to achieve this.
Today, we look at the three important foods for strengthening bones that can ensure better handling of the post-menstrual period.
Foods During Menopause
1. Calcium-Rich Foods for Stronger Bones
One of the most common complications of menopause is the weakening of the bones, which leads to severe joint pain. During this period, it's best to increase and maintain your calcium intake so as to strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of fractures while also avoiding osteoporosis and efficiently addressing calcium deficiency. It's highly recommended to increase the intake of calcium-rich menopause diet such as oranges, beans, broccoli, spinach, and leafy green vegetables.
2. Vitamin-D Enriched Foods And Sources Of Calcium
While calcium should definitely be at the top of your dietary list, the inclusion of vitamin D is also a must. Vitamin-D-enriched food for menopause, such as yoghurt, eggs, and mushrooms, act as a sponge, allowing your body to absorb the increased vitamin-C intake.
3. High Fibre for a Cool Stomach And Calcium Food Sources
Another nagging and quite common complication of menopause is weight gain and frequent indigestion. To ensure that your digestive system remains robust and to keep a good check on your weight, it's best to adopt fibre-rich food during menopause. Edibles such as pears, apples, and bananas are known to be quite effective in controlling your weight while also significantly reducing bloating and acidity.
As menopause is a naturally occurring medical condition, there is no means to avoid it. However, you can adopt a variety of tools to gain relief from the symptoms of menopause. One such bone calcium supplement is CalQuest, a natural bone care capsule for post-menopausal women.
Developed using AlchemLife's proprietary PhytoAdvance technology, CalQuest greatly assists in addressing calcium deficiency while also preventing the onset of osteoporosis. Furthermore, this clinically tested menopause treatment also helps restore menopausal hormonal imbalance and improve bone density with no side effects.
The conclusion is that calcium rich diet for menopausal women is extremely important for bones and CalQuest helps in fulfilling that deficiency in women.
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