When it comes to joints and bones, the most critical and especially fragile one is the knee, which, when healthy, forms the very foundation of our mobility.
However, over time as one ages, the knee's cartilage gets degraded due to constant wear and tear, rendering the knee joint and the kneecap vulnerable to injuries and even breakage.
At times the condition can lead to a knee replacement surgery and joint replacement surgery can be is a very difficult process, which can lead to months of recovery.
Total knee damage can be caused due to various reasons that include progressive arthritis, osteoarthritis, trauma, and numerous degenerative diseases of the joint. In recent years, there have been numerous advances made in orthopedics, so much so that knee replacement surgeries have now taken the form of everyday medical practice.
The knee replacement surgery procedure is considered one of the most intricate ones, and the knee replacement recovery takes up to 3 months. It can take almost a year for swelling to disappear.
However, one of the most serious side-effects of a joint replacement surgery or arthroplasty is the excruciating post-operative pain that millions of surgery recipients go through every day.
As researchers across the globe searched for new ways to get rid of the side-effect, a new study conducted at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) has now come out with exciting and encouraging results. As per the new study, researchers have now stipulated an alternative relief method for patients who have undergone knee replacement surgery.
According to the new proposed procedure, patients can now be administered an injection of anesthetic agents around the knee joint without the need for specialized equipment. This newly devised technique aids in providing instant relief to post-operative pain and is being widely regarded as safe and uncomplicated. Before this breakthrough, recipients of knee joint replacement surgery were required to get a single dose of local anesthetic injected around the groin's femoral nerve in the groin, a process also known as femoral nerve block and is extremely uncomfortable.
Some 250 patients undergoing knee replacement surgery took part in the study. After being administered with the new treatment process, they were found to have significantly reduced requirements for powerful painkillers such as morphine. While morphine is widely renowned for its pain-relieving properties, due to its myriad side effects, most medical professionals across the globe are extremely cautious when prescribing the same to post-operative patients.
In a statement, the study’s lead author Peter Wall said, “Our study has demonstrated the advantages of injections of anesthetic agents around the knee during knee replacement procedure over other methods. These injections are now shown to be safe and effective. They also involve fewer resources and reduce the need for powerful painkillers such as morphine.”
While this new anesthesia delivery system for knee replacement treatment and surgery has produced encouraging results yet there are a host of other options that you can go for when it comes to ease-off joint pain symptoms. One such highly effective and all-natural treatment for joint pain is Flexiqule.
Developed using state-of-the-art PhytoAdvance technology, it’s one of the effective joint pain supplements is infused with the benefits of Ginger and Boswellia Serrata extracts that offer long-lasting relief from a variety of joint conditions, including osteoarthritis and hand stress arthritis. Furthermore, FlexiQule also reduces cartilage degradation while providing excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
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