You are absolutely normal, and then one day, you stretch out for a glass of water awkwardly and the unresponsive muscle in the low back, not happy with the move, revolts. It tears in protest to set an incapacitating pain in the region and enters the body as an unwelcome guest.
Maybe the muscle had been sending out signals that went unnoticed, and the structural support for which it was designed is now firmly denied. There can be several lower back pain causes and lower back pain symptoms.Let us discuss each one in detail.
Lower Back Pain Causes
The back is a web of bony ligaments, muscles and discs. The discs embedded with a jelly-like substance serve as cushioning pads in the vertebral bodies. When impacted, they get herniated and irritate the tissues and nerves surrounding them, causing compression and inflammation. The lower back ache causes can be the consequence of conditions impacting the lumbar spine, which is bony and injuries cause aggravation.
Born with degenerative disc disease, deformities with time could further compound the problem. Some constriction or narrowing around the spinal cord is yet another common cause.
Low Back Pain Symptoms
Constant lower back pain, legs and feet are the common symptoms. Loss of bladder or bowel control since the muscles surrounding the lumbar spine and blood-ferrying vessels lose normal functions. Weight loss and fever. Kidney infections, tumours, and ovary problems are occasionally identified as symptoms of aneurysms.
Low Back Pain Treatment
Pain has to be addressed. Simple! Some people prefer to last it out for self-seeking resolutions. It happens, but not always. If the chronic lower back pain is more than 90 days, it could be a precursor of cancer!! So it has to be treated. Physical activity and carefully-calibrated exercise under professional supervision take precedence. Muscles gain strength, and that is the objective. Massage, localized heat applications and cold compress are often the way forward.
Do not be a superman. No heavy weight lifting, no uncoordinated movements and correct postures are recommended. Only intake prescription drugs. But keep an eye on the red-flagged side effects. Avoid tobacco to ward off osteoporosis. Surgery, opioids, cortisone injections should not figure prominently in getting better.
For alleviation, here is ThioQuest gel, a product of Alchem Phytoceuticals Pvt Ltd. The gel is a topical cream/ointment that provides neck and back pain relief and has no side effects. Created with the intention of providing a natural remedy for back pain and dual power benefits, it works as a muscle spasm, and it is a proven analgesic for neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain and joint pain. Its strength is derived from the natural active ingredients of medicinal plants.
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