Who knew the medications we take without a second thought for the most common of ailments could, in the long run, lead to serious consequences? This is exactly what has now been confirmed for the most frequent consumption of antacids. The side effects of antacids can be extremely harmful to the human body.
As per recent studies carried out worldwide, it has been observed that prolonged antacid tablet use that treats indigestion and gas can lead to a host of acute renal diseases, long-term kidney damage, and even chronic kidney disease.
The very idea of the negative effect of antacids has been closely followed in the international medical community while also being supported by numerous and renowned international medical journals. The whole premise of this finding is based on the presence of PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) in over-the-counter antacids and indigestion medicines.
Speaking at the annual conference of the Indian Society of Nephrology, Dr Deepak Kumar (nephrologist) stated that PPIs should be ideally prescribed in the approved indications, if possible, for no less than eight weeks. Beyond this, if a patient is on PPIs, kidney function and magnesium levels need monitoring.
Widely considered among the top ten most commonly prescribed drugs for gastric problems, peptic ulcers, and acid reflux, PPIs have also found their way into other medical domains, namely cardiology, internal medicine, surgery, and orthopaedics.
One of the primary reasons such studies have now gained prominence is the fact that side effects of antacid overuse have been the main topic of discussion at the Annual Conference of Nephrologists and at an Association of Physicians of India conference.
As alarming as it might sound, overuse of antacids is one of the major causes of chronic kidney disease. As people are becoming aware of the side effects of antacids, more and more people are turning towards the emerging trend of alternative natural medicines.
Steps in Phytocid-GT, all-natural treatment for indigestion and gas. Harnessing the remedial properties of ginger and turmeric, this supplement for acid reflux, indigestion, and gas has been developed using AlchemLife's proprietary PhytoAdvance technology for faster and higher bio availability as well as instant and long-lasting relief.
Antacids can be helpful but choosing the right one with natural ingredients for long-term use will save you from the side effects.
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