Seasonal Flu Symptoms & 4 Ways for Influenza Prevention with Practicing Good Hygiene
Influenza, also known as the Flu, targets more than half the world's population every year. Influenza is caused by the influenza virus usually responsible for the disease, and its symptoms determine its duration and nature. Influenza like illness symptoms primarily target the upper respiratory system, blocking the nasal and chest cavities, leading to symptoms such as cough, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever, fatigue, chills and body aches.
Seasonal flu symptoms are normal, but prolonged signs and symptoms of Influenza can lead to severe consequences like pneumonia or worsening chronic conditions like asthma.
Practising good hygiene and making them part of your lifestyle is one of the best flu treatments and ways for influenza prevention and control.
4 Personal Measures for Practicing Good Hygiene to Prevent Influenza (Flu)
1. Avoid Close Contact
It's wise to avoid close contact with people who are sick or when you are sick for the prevention of influenza. Also, avoid sharing cups or utensils and stay home when you experience flu symptoms.
2. Cover Your Mouth and Nose
Always carry a tissue and cover your nose and mouth before coughing and sneezing, thus avoiding the risk of spreading the infection to others. Remember to throw the tissue after use and wash your hands.
3. Hand-Washing is Compulsory
As it turns out, the best way for influenza prevention and control is by washing your hands regularly and properly. CDC advises that you should wash your hands, especially after using the toilet, handling trash, taking care of someone who is sick, a wound or cut, after changing diapers or after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. It is imperative to be conscientious about washing your hands before eating and avoiding touching your face.
4. Clean Your Cell-Phone
It is a known fact that cellphones have more bacteria than toilet seats. Use wipes to clean your mobile regularly as they can spread germs to your hands and, in turn, to your face while you use it.
Bad habits are hard to break, and being conscientious about practising good hygiene will help you stay naturally healthy.
Natural Immune Supplements Phytorelief-CC, a natural sugar-free clinically tested lozenge, helps provide relief from influenza treatment and prevention. Alchemlife's Phytorelief-CC is packed with Phyto actives of ginger, turmeric and pomegranate. It has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties and is one of the most efficient immune boosters with no side effects seen. It can also be consumed for practicing good hygiene and to keep your immune system stronger.
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