Kefir! A Bacteria That Benefits the Body
Ever wondered what Kefir is? Kefir is a Turkish word which means ‘good feeling’ and that’s what you experience once you drink it. Kefir drink is a combination of milk, kefir grains and includes live yeast and bacteria.
Kefir is synonymous with good health and is known to deliver good health. It is designed to engage intimately with the human body to promote wellness.
What is Kefir?
Kefir is a gluten-free fermentation of bacteria and yeast, endowed with a multitude of effective microbes and has a high concentration of nutrients and probiotic supplements.
It is made from cow's milk but can also be made from the milk of goats and sheep. The benefits of Kefir milk are far more than yoghurt, as it is blessed with more beneficial bacteria strains with a higher microorganism capacity, which facilitates greater proliferation, making its use and consumption more effective.
It is also known to contain anti-oxidising properties.
Kefir Helps Digestion
The connection between food containing probiotics and the stomach is by now well-established. With its focused delivery of organisms and packed with high fibre content, Kefir helps in digestion by eliminating the bacterias. Through this process, it succeeds in restoring the balance of friendly bacteria and has thus been known to purify the intestinal tract, treat irritable bowel syndrome, regulate bowel movement, diarrhoea, and ulcers caused by H. Pylori, abdominal pain, stomach pain, gas, heartburn remedies, GERD, gastritis treatment, indigestion symptoms, and pancreatitis. By inhibiting the growth of tumours through its probiotic strength, it is known to contain malignancies and may offer alleviation from the inflammatory colon.
Kefir and Lactose Intolerance
Regular food contains natural sugar, known as lactose. If the body is not capable of assimilating this naturally produced sugar, it can, among other diseases, cause lactose intolerance. Kefir turns lactose into lactic acid, thereby minimising the lactose content to acceptable levels. It is one of the incredible benefits of kefir.
How to Drink kefir?
Kept in refrigerated conditions, kefir is best consumed as a beverage blended in a smoothie or mixed with cereals and oats. In addition to kefir, you could also try home remedies for indigestion and gas.
Acidity can occur at any time. If you are struck with the feeling of burning or digestion-related issues like acid reflux etc. at unwarranted times, the best herbal medicine for indigestion is to get relief by resorting to natural supplements containing ginger and turmeric such as Phytocid-GT rather than antacid tablets whose side-effects cannot be warranted.
It is developed using PhytoAdvance technology and offers powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is the best medication for gastritis and provides fast-acting, long-term relief from digestive problems and acidity symptoms, severe GERD, or gas problems.
With natural benefits, Phytocid-GT is your perfect solution for gut issues.
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