Constipation Symptoms and causes of constipation are countless. It is a condition that by itself implies discomfort and unease. Irritation replaces normal behavior, as the body is sending intermittent signals of some internal malfunction.
What is Constipation?
Constipation disease is where the food in transit through the digestive system remains unbroken. In this, the muscles and the colon play an all-important role. The muscles designed to push the stool for functional coordination become weak, and the colon, whose function is to reabsorb or recover water from the stool, under performs, resulting in the stool becoming hard and dry and thereby difficult to expel.
Constipation Symptoms
Most common constipation symptoms include strain during bowel movement, hard or lumpy stool, difficulty in passing stool or feeling of discomfort and incomplete emptying of stool, stomach ache, stomach cramps, nausea, and loss of appetite. These sign could vary in severity, causing occasional or chronic constipation that interferes with going about one's daily tasks.
What Causes Constipation?
Research reveals that causes of constipation are unhealthy and irregular eating habits, and an improper diet lacking fibre content, physical inactivity, not drinking enough water, side effects of other medications, lactose intolerance, ageing, over-dependence on laxatives, or pregnancy in the case of women, who tend to acquire this condition more than men due to hormone changes. Travel, change of routine or GI (Gastrointestinal) problems like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or celiac disease could also be possible causes of constipation.
Effects of Constipation
Lethargy and discomfort are the two most common effects. However, serious medical conditions such as haemorrhoids, anal tears, anal fissures, or prolapsed rectum can manifest. By word of caution, pressure should not be exerted while passing stool.
Options for Constipation Treatment
Treatment abounds in the form of stool softening measures and natural laxatives. That is the good news. Where a condition of this nature persists, a doctor-consult becomes necessary, who may put you on stool softening, bulk-creating, lubricant, or stimulant laxatives like senna. Advisories spelt caution on prolonged and indiscriminate use of laxatives need serious attention, as serious side-effects may ensue. Laxatives may tend to militate against normal body functions and marginalise them.
The Natural Way- The Preferred Way
Remain hydrated and drink plenty of water. Natural foods for constipation, such as chia seeds, aloe vera, prunes, figs, raisins, probiotics, berries, and flax seeds that are ground into a fine powder, should become a part of the food chain and the menu. Other sets of foods recommended are those high in fibre content, leafy greens, whole grain bread, oat bran, corn cereals, and fruits with apples that could occupy the top-of-the-ladder position.
Herbal remedies for constipation are breaking new ground. Black seeds, olive leaves, garlic, and sennoside compounds catalyse bowel movement.
In this genre of natural remedies and particularly in the context of sennosides, AlchemLife has developed a natural laxative for constipation relief called Laxaquest, a combination of calcium sennoside and other herbal extracts to support gentle and overnight relief from occasional constipation symptom.
Constipation is a phenomenon that all of us have witnessed in our lifetime and natural way is always the best route to follow.
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